Frequently asked questions
1. How do I zoom in/out the map image? read more
2. How do I move the map image? read more
3. How do I display Legend/Layers on the map? read more
4. How to find a plot of land? read more
5. How do I find a building address? read more
On the main bar, click the “Universal search” icon.
Then click the “Find Address” tab and select a street name (“Enter street name`”) from the available list, and select an address number (“Enter number”) below. Then press the “Search” button.

Caution! On entering the first letter (for street names) or number (for address numbers), the system prompts for a possible choice of street name or address number.
6. How to find any object in a contextual search engine? (e.g. schools)? read more
In the contextual search engine
type: “elementary school”. All possible objects will be shown below. Select the school you are looking for from the list.
7. How do I print a map? read more
On the main bar, click
the “Map print tool” icon. Select appropriate printing options (print title, comment, paper size, scale) and click the “Print” button.
8. How do I add data (layer) to a map? read more
On the main bar, click
the “Add data to map” icon and select “Add data”. Select the layer in the layer list provided by the Municipal Office in Gliwice, and then click the “Add” button. You can search for a layer by typing its name, or part of it in the “Layer name” window (the “Filtering” panel), and after finding the layer, follow the steps indicated above. If the “Enable labels” box is ticked, descriptions will appear for the displayed objects on the map.
9. How do I add WMS data to a map? read more
On the main bar, click
the “Add data to map” icon and select “Add data”. Select the “WMS” tab. Type “WMS server address” and click “OK”, then “Add”.

10. How do I draw my own object on a map? ? read more
On the main menu, click “Tools”
and select “Sketchbook”.
Use the “Draw points”, “Draw broken line” or “Draw polygons” tools to draw the object into the map. To add a description to an object, type it in the “Type label” field, then select the “Draw label” tool. The next step is to select the location of the label insertion in the map window with the left mouse button.
11. How do I modify an object drawn with the “Sketchbook”? read more
In the “Sketchbook” window, click the “Modify” icon
and select one of the available tools.
Then select on the map (by left-clicking the mouse) the object you want to modify.
12. Is Help available in MSIP? read more
Click the “Services” tab,
and then at the very bottom click the “Help” icon.
Additionally, “Help” is available directly in most tools by selecting the icon
13. How do I add MSIP data to my application/website? read more
Click “Services” in the main menu
and select “Map link”.
”) Then click the “Generate URL” button.
Paste the displayed map link into your own page to embed the interactive map.
14. How do I send the current map image to an e-mail address (e-card)? read more
Display the area/objects to be sent on the monitor screen. On the main menu, click “Services” and select “E-card”.
Fill out the form and click “Send”.
15. How do I search for municipal real estate for sale or rent according to specified criteria (real estate type, location, area, etc.)? read more
On the main MSIP page, on the top bar of the “Real estate offer” tab menu, select the property type (by left-clicking). Then enter your search criteria (e.g. location and/or area) and click the “Search data” button. You can also choose how to sort the offers you find.
16. How do I get information about an object on a map? read more
On the main bar, click
click the “Object Information” icon and point to any object on the map.
In addition, the following functions are available when you expand “Select option”: Report for object, Come up to object, Show coordinates, Search for nearest objects from layers.
Caution! The “Object information” window includes information for all objects located exactly in the same place as the selected object and are visible on the map. Clicking on the tab on the left side of the window moves you to information on the selected object.
17. What is WMS and what is its address? read more
WMS (OpenGIS® Web Map Service Interface Standard) is a service for making map images available to external web applications/services. If you have such an application, you do not have to use the geoportal directly. You can add a SIP address to the WMS service in the application you are using. Your application will automatically connect to the IUIP server, which will provide the current map each time.
For information about the WMS Server, click the “Services” tab
and select “WMS Server”.
Then, available WMS addresses will be displayed in the “WMS Server” window.
- Map zooming in
Clicking this button allows the application to draw a rectangle on the map (with the left mouse button pressed), which zooms the view to the selected area – the scale increases. The map area contained in the rectangle is enlarged to the size of the full window. The scale can also be changed by clicking the left mouse button once in the map window. If a scale is selected from a defined list, it changes to the next value in the list when clicked once. After this operation, the map is also centered to the indicated location. The zoom operation does not deform the image, so the indicated rectangle will not always fit exactly into the full window. This occurs only if the size proportions of the map window and the given rectangle match. - Zooming the map out
Reverse operation to that described above. When you select a rectangle, the map image is zoomed out – the map scale is reduced, and the entire map window contents will be contained within the set rectangle. The one-click functions similarly to what was described above.
2. How do I move the map image? read more
- The map moving operation consists of “grabbing” the inside of the map window (by pressing the left mouse button on the workspace) and moving it in any direction. The map is moved and the missing parts can be drawn.
- It is also possible to move the map by clicking the point on map (around which the map should be centered) holding down shift key. In addition, the map scale will be increased to the next value defined in the list.
- The “hand” tool
also allows you to zoom in on a selected area of the map. After selecting this tool, holding down the left mouse button and shift key, you can draw in within the area map window. When you release the left mouse button, the map is automatically enlarged to the selected area.
3. How do I display Legend/Layers on the map? read more
The Legend/Layers window is displayed automatically when the map view is activated. To redisplay the Legend/Layers window after closing, click on the “Legend” icon. 

4. How to find a plot of land? read more
On the main bar, click the “Universal search” icon.
In the window that opens, in the “Section” field, select the section name from the available list. In the “Plot number” field select the plot number from available list. Then press the “Search” button.

Caution! On entering the first letter (for section names) or number (for plot numbers), the system prompts for the selection of a possible plot number or section name.

Caution! On entering the first letter (for section names) or number (for plot numbers), the system prompts for the selection of a possible plot number or section name.
5. How do I find a building address? read more
On the main bar, click the “Universal search” icon.

Caution! On entering the first letter (for street names) or number (for address numbers), the system prompts for a possible choice of street name or address number.
6. How to find any object in a contextual search engine? (e.g. schools)? read more
In the contextual search engine

7. How do I print a map? read more
On the main bar, click

8. How do I add data (layer) to a map? read more
On the main bar, click

9. How do I add WMS data to a map? read more
On the main bar, click

10. How do I draw my own object on a map? ? read more
On the main menu, click “Tools”

Use the “Draw points”, “Draw broken line” or “Draw polygons” tools to draw the object into the map. To add a description to an object, type it in the “Type label” field, then select the “Draw label” tool. The next step is to select the location of the label insertion in the map window with the left mouse button.
11. How do I modify an object drawn with the “Sketchbook”? read more
In the “Sketchbook” window, click the “Modify” icon

12. Is Help available in MSIP? read more
Click the “Services” tab,

13. How do I add MSIP data to my application/website? read more
Click “Services” in the main menu

”) Then click the “Generate URL” button.

Paste the displayed map link into your own page to embed the interactive map.
14. How do I send the current map image to an e-mail address (e-card)? read more
Display the area/objects to be sent on the monitor screen. On the main menu, click “Services” and select “E-card”.

15. How do I search for municipal real estate for sale or rent according to specified criteria (real estate type, location, area, etc.)? read more
On the main MSIP page, on the top bar of the “Real estate offer” tab menu, select the property type (by left-clicking). Then enter your search criteria (e.g. location and/or area) and click the “Search data” button. You can also choose how to sort the offers you find.

16. How do I get information about an object on a map? read more
On the main bar, click

In addition, the following functions are available when you expand “Select option”: Report for object, Come up to object, Show coordinates, Search for nearest objects from layers.

Caution! The “Object information” window includes information for all objects located exactly in the same place as the selected object and are visible on the map. Clicking on the tab on the left side of the window moves you to information on the selected object.
17. What is WMS and what is its address? read more
WMS (OpenGIS® Web Map Service Interface Standard) is a service for making map images available to external web applications/services. If you have such an application, you do not have to use the geoportal directly. You can add a SIP address to the WMS service in the application you are using. Your application will automatically connect to the IUIP server, which will provide the current map each time.
For information about the WMS Server, click the “Services” tab

Then, available WMS addresses will be displayed in the “WMS Server” window.