Miejski System Informacji Przestrzennej

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Searching for LSDP plans

Searching for LSDP plans can be done in two ways: via giving the area and plot number, or street name and address point.

Searching via giving the area and plot number:

To make the search, select the area from a drop-down list, and in the next step, the plot number. It is possible to search for information for a given day – to do it you need to check the box — “Information for” and enter the relevant date. You can use the calendar in the form.

The screen underneath shows the area choice for 2017-08-20:

plik foto id: 1400178922

Search results are presented in the relevant comparison:

plik foto id: 1400178926

Searching via giving the street name and address point:

To make the search, select the relevant street from the drop-down list, and in the next step, the address point. It is possible to search for information for a given day – to do it you need to check the box — “Information for” and enter the relevant date. You can use the calendar in the form.

In the case of the lack of LSDP plans for a given day or for a given address point (analogously the area and lot number), a relevant message appears.

plik foto id: 1400178928