Miejski System Informacji Przestrzennej

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Open data

Open Data is a complete and current collection of information about local spatial development plans binding for the city of Gliwice. They are available:

  • in an effective way (e.g. with a use of dedicated portals and services) – and also used for variety of purposes, including economic purpose;
  • in a steady way, without any unnecessary obstacles;
  • without limitations, e.g. because of permissions, privilege of a certain group of people etc.;
  • in a possibly least processed way (not in an aggregated or modified form);
  • in open data formats;
  • in such a form so they can be read automatically.


Openness of the public data is the base for the modern city management, especially for:

  • transparent decision-making,
  • social participation,
  • creation of new values and innovations by entrepreneurs and non-governmental organization (including new services).