Miejski System Informacji Przestrzennej

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Geoportals are the map part of Urban Spatial Information System (MSIP). The data are arranged in thematic groups with a possibility to add any information layers from other MSIP geoportals (an “add data” icon), and also by using the WMS and WFS services – the data from any Polish and international geoportals. From the functional point of view, geoportals provide the user with advanced tools to navigate the map, add, edit, and search for information

Resident’s geoportal

The resident's geoportal is a publication place for spatial information essential for persons staying or residing in the City of Gliwice:

  • Education (nurseries, kindergartens, schools, school districts, etc.),
  • Institutions,
  • Public transport (public transport stops, driver training centres, parking zones, etc.),
  • Culture (museums, cinemas, theatres, libraries, historic sites),
  • Social assistance (orphanages, nursing homes, social service institutions, etc.),
  • Society (cooperative and administration offices, open internet access points, district councils' offices, etc.),
  • Sports (courts, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, playgrounds, outdoor gyms, etc.),
  • Tourism (hiking trails, etc.),
  • Health (hospitals, primary care facilities, animal clinics, medicine collection points, etc.),
  • Geodesy (plots, buildings, classification contours, etc.) and others.
Go to Geoportal Resident's geoportal

Investor's geoportal

The investor's geoportal is a publication place of specialized spatial information in different thematic scopes::

  • Geodesy (register of land and buildings, land development networks, register of streets and addresses),
  • Spatial planning (boundaries, additional regulations, land use in the current plans and boundaries, additional regulations and directions in the Study),
  • Real estate management (ownership and perpetual usufruct structure, administered areas),
  • Revitalization (degraded areas, revitalization areas) and other.
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Election geoportal

The election geoportal is a publication place of information relevant to people eligible to vote in elections, referendums:

  • District Election Commissions,
  • Election districts,
  • Constituencies.

The “Check Where You Vote” tool, available in a panel on the right side of the map, allows you to search for a polling station by a specified address. Just enter the address and click search, and the system will find and present the appropriate election commission.

Go to Election geoportal

Real estate offer

The real estate offer provides a place to publish listings of city-owned land properties for sale and residential properties for sale or lease. Offers can be searched by typing the specific criteria in search engines or found by displaying as grouped information on defined layers of the map.

Go to Real estate offer geoportal

Planning geoportal

The planning geoportal provides a place to publish current planning data:

  • Local Spatial Development Plans (plan boundaries, additional regulations, land intended use in the plan),
  • Study of Land Development Conditions and Directions (study boundary, additional regulations, directions),
  • Local Spatial Development Plans under development, and others.
Go to Spatial planning geoportal

Monument geoportal

The monument geoportal involves publication of the complete database of historical monuments:

  • historical monuments listed in the provincial register of monuments,
  • objects currently listed in the Communal Register of Historical Monuments: immovable monuments and archaeological sites (with distinction of the historical monuments listed in the provincial register of monuments),
  • objects protected by provisions of the local spatial development plans,
  • "A" full and "B" intermediate conservation zones.
Go to Monuments geoportal


Geoportal Environment is a place for publishing spatial information on environmental conditions and their protection in the thematic areas:

  • Topography,
  • Geological substratum and geological and engineering conditions,
  • Mining conditions,
  • Hydrography and hydrogeology,
  • Natural values and environmental protection,
  • Noise map 2022.

Geoportal is a compilation of data made available by various state and local government institutions and obtained as part of own orders. 

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Greenery report - 2017

Greenery report is a place to publish spatial information on the flora on both public and private land:

  • Trees (coniferous, deciduous),
  • Shrubs,
  • Meadows,
  • Forests,
  •  Lawns,
  • Crops,
  •  Roadside greenery,
  •  Hedges etc.

Data was compiled from photogrammetric data obtained in 2017 such as:  vertical and oblique aerial photos, orthophotomap and LIDAR laser scanning.

Go to Greenery report geoportal

System heat

System heat is a geoportal where data updated by employees of Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej PEC – Gliwice are published.

Among others, the geoportal allows you to check:

  • which buildings in the city use the system heat and which type of heat distribution centre they are connected to,
  • which buildings are connected to the municipal heating network,
  • which buildings have switched from gas heating to municipal heating network,
  • how much the emission of harmful dust into the atmosphere has decreased in connection with switching to municipal heating network,
  • in which city areas buildings are just being connected to the municipal heating network,
  • where the district heating network runs and what is the possibility of connecting an existing or planned building to the municipal heating network,
  • in which city areas conceptual analyses have been carried out to check the possibility of connecting more buildings to the district heating network.
Go to System hat geoportal

Gliwice Citizen Budget

Gliwice Citizen Budget Geoportal is a place where we publish verified GCB projects submitted by the citizens. In the Geoportal, you can check the number and name of the project, its location, Who is the project implementer. The data are updated by the employees of Centrum 3.0 – Gliwice Centre for non-governmental organizations.

Go to Gliwice Citizen Budget geoportal

Cyclists’ geoportal

The cyclists’ geoportal is a place where necessary information useful for cyclists are published:

  • Municipal bike rentals,
  • Self-service bike maintenance stations,
  • Bike racks,
  • Bike trails, etc.
Go to Cyclist's Geoportal

Action of potassium iodide

The Potassium Iodide Action Geoportal is a place where necessary information related to the location of potassium iodide tablet dispensing points is published. In the geoportal you can check where potassium iodide dispensing points are located in Gliwice, which streets are assigned to a given point and what are the boundaries of the zones served by these points.

Go to geoportal Action potassium iodide

Virtual city

The Virtual City is a dedicated app for publishing orthophotomaps, oblique images and a 3D model of the city. It allows not only for browsing through the virtual Gliwice, but also for takin measurements and comparing data from different time periods, thus tracking changes in the city over the years.

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INSPIRE Geoportal

INSPIRE geoportal is where spatial information made available in accordance with the INSPIRE directive from the thematic scopes are published:

  • Geodesy (register of land and buildings, land development networks, register of streets and addresses),
  • Spatial planning (the boundaries of validity of Local Spatial Development Plans, the plans register, the Study of Spatial Development Conditions and Directions) and others.
Go to INSPIRE geoportal

Geoportal for the visually impaired

Geoportal for the visually impaired provides a place to publish spatial information adapted to the needs of the visually impaired. The data presented are:

  • Land and Building Register (plots, buildings, sections),
  • Land development zones,
  • Streets and address points.
Go to Geoportal for visually imapired