Miejski System Informacji Przestrzennej

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Legitimacy analysis

Analysis of the legitimacy of starting the development of local development plan

Area: landfill area

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Analysis of the legitimacy of starting the development of local development plan

Area: area of ​​Piwnej Street and Okopowej Street

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Analysis of the legitimacy of starting the development of local development plan:

Area: area of ​​Daszyńskiego, Stara Cegielnia, Zielone Wzgórze and Słoneczne Wzgórze Street

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Analysis of the legitimacy of starting the development of local development plan

Area: area of ​​ul. Hłaski, ul. Dolna Wieś and the connection of Nowy Świat with ul. Kosów Street

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Analysis of the legitimacy of starting the development of local development plan

Area: area of the south-west bypass of the city and Ku Dołom and Wójtowska Streets 

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