Miejski System Informacji Przestrzennej

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Ownership structure

Ownership structure is a map of ownership and possession of land within the administrative boundaries of the City of Gliwice, presented in the Investor's Geoportal. The following entities are defined in the individual items of the legend:

  • Ownership: Municipality – land owned by the City of Gliwice.
  • Ownership: Municipality, other entities – land being co-owned by the City of Gliwice and other entities, including the State Treasury, natural persons, legal persons.
  • Ownership: Municipality, permanent management – land of the City of Gliwice handed over to other entities for permanent management.
  • Ownership: Municipality, permanent management, perpetual usufruct – land of the City of Gliwice, a part of which is held by entities through permanent management, another part – perpetual usufruct.
  • Ownership: Municipality, land use – land of the City of Gliwice handed over to other entities for use.
  • Ownership: Municipality, land use, perpetual usufruct – land of the City of Gliwice, a part of which is held by entities through use, another part – perpetual usufruct.
  • Ownership: State Treasury – land owned by the State Treasury.
  • Ownership: State Treasury, other entities (except territorial self-government units) – land co-owned by the State Treasury and other entities, except territorial self-government units (City of Gliwice, Poviat, Voivodship).
  • Ownership: State Treasury; permanent management – land owned by the State Treasury handed over to other entities for permanent management.
  • Ownership: State Treasury; land use – land owned by the State Treasury handed over to other entities for use.
  • Ownership: State Treasury; land use, perpetual usufruct – land of the State Treasury, a part of which is held by entities through use, another part by perpetual usufruct.
  • Ownership: State Treasury; permanent management, land use – land owned by State Treasury, a part of which is held by entities through permanent management, another part by perpetual usufruct.
  • Ownership: Poviat – land owned by the poviat.
  • Ownership: Voivodeship – land owned by the voivodeship.
  • Ownership: Voivodeship; permanent management – land owned by the voivodeship handed over for permanent management to other entities.
  • Ownership: Voivodeship; land use – land owned the voivodeship handed over to other entities for use.
  • Ownership: Legal person – land owned by legal persons.
  • Ownership: Legal person, natural person – land co-owned by natural persons and legal persons.
  • Ownership: Natural person – land owned by legal persons.
  • Ownership: Natural person; land use – land owned by natural persons handed over to other entities for use.
  • Perpetual usufruct: Commune – land owned by the State Treasury, voivodeship, legal person whose usufructuary is the City of Gliwice.
  • Perpetual usufruct: Commune, other entities – land owned by the State Treasury, whose usufructuary is the City of Gliwice and other entities.
  • Perpetual usufruct: Commune; permanent management – land owned by the State Treasury, whose perpetual usufructuary is the City of Gliwice, handed over to legal persons for permanent management.
  • Perpetual usufruct: State Treasury – land owned by the City of Gliwice, handed over to the State Treasury for perpetual usufruct.
  • Perpetual usufruct: Legal person – land owned by the City of Gliwice, the State Treasury, or the voivodeship, handed over to legal persons for perpetual usufruct.
  • Perpetual usufruct: Legal person, natural person – land owned by the City of Gliwice, the State Treasury handed over to natural and legal persons for perpetual usufruct.
  • Perpetual usufruct: Legal person – land owned by the City of Gliwice, the State Treasury, or the legal person handed over for perpetual usufruct to natural persons.
  • Other – other forms of ownership and tenure not classified in other categories.